Workshops and Seminar Options

(topic descriptions are listed under the Lecture tab)


1. What the Heck Does That Say?: The Challenge of Difficult Handwriting 

*Available as either a 2-hour or half-day workshop.  Both feature interactive exercises to practice throughout the workshop.


2. Family History Writing 

*2-hour version, presented as lectures or an interactive workshop:

Teasing Out the Story Hidden Behind the Genealogical Facts

How to Write Ancestral Stories Your Relatives Will Want to Read

*All-day writing lecture series:

Teasing Out the Story Hidden Behind the Genealogical Facts

How to Write Ancestral Stories Your Relatives Will Want to Read

Beyond Names and Dates: Filling in the Stories

of Our Female Ancestors   

Why They Left, Where They Went, and the Tales

Their Journeys  Can Reveal 


3. Tracking Down Your Eastern European Ancestors

*Available as a two-hour lecture or 3-hour interactive workshop


4.  Finding Your Ancestors' Places    

    A.  *3-hour interactive workshop:

Chasing Down Your Ancestors' Locations

    B.  *Available as an all-day seminar:

Chasing Down Your Ancestors' Locations 

Why They Left, Where They Went, and What Their Journeys

Can Reveal

Was Your Ancestor Truly Gone or Just Hidden in the Records


5. Genealogy Nuts and Bolts 

*Available as an all-day seminar

Finding What You Need and Making the Most of What You Find

What the Heck Does That Say?: Overcoming the Challenge

of Difficult Handwriting 

Was Your Ancestor Truly Gone or Just Hidden in the Records

Discovering the Richness of Your Ancestor’s Life in End-of-Life



or choose any combination of lectures

that will meet your needs!